Legal Terms

Publisher Site
Chambres aux Trois Frontières
14 rue des puits, 68870 Bartenheim la Chaussée - France
N° INSEE : 78845102900011


Collected personal information
In France, personal data are especially protected by law n ° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, Act No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, Article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.
In any event our site does only collect personal information about the user (name, email address, telephone number) for the need of the services, particularly from the contact page. The user provides that information with full knowledge of the facts, especially when conducting himself to give. It is then precised to the user the informations that would be compulsory to provide.

Correction of personal information collected
Pursuant to Article 34 of Law No. 48-87 of 6 January 1978, the user has a right to modify personal data collected about him. To do this, the user can send us a mail to the address shown above, by indicating his name or company name, physical and / or electronic contact details and if necessary, the reference which he holds as a user of our site. The changes will be within a reasonable time from the receipt of the request of the user.

Limitation of Liability
This website contains information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other websites that have not been developed by us. The content provided on the website is provided for informational purposes. The existence of a link from this website to another website does not constitute a validation of this website or its contents. It is up to the user to use this information wisely and critically. Our responsibility can not be held because the information, opinions and recommendations of third parties.

Except when it is clearly specified the opposite, any image on this website is protected by a copyright and its use outside the context of this website may be made without written agreement from Chambres d'Hôtes aux Trois Frontières or the holder of the identified right.
If the mention of a copyright is incorrect or missing, please contact us to make the changes.